Meet With Your Elected Official

You can make an appointment with your State Representative or Senator to discuss the FCEH legislative agenda.  Always be respectful of time (15-20 minutes), provide data and outcomes (success stories are always welcome), and make sure to end the meeting with the ask (support the FCEH Priorities).  Use the information below to find your local representatives.  Review the FCEH Handouts for talking points and for the ask.

State Representatives

To find your Representative, please visit the site below.  You can view Representatives by County or search by address.


FCEH Handouts

Download the FCEH 5 Things to Know about Homelessness in Florida or use your local data.  Don't forget to request their support for the FCEH Legislative Priorities.

FCEH Handouts

State Senators

To find your Senator, please visit the site below.  You can search by address or review the complete list of senators by district.
